Automatic sprinkler system - part 2 : wet system alarm valves retard chamber water motor alarm 自动喷水灭火系统第2部分:湿式报警阀延迟器水力警铃
A value that specifies whether the ace allows access , denies access , causes system audits , or causes system alarms 一个指定ace是允许访问、拒绝访问、导致系统审核或是导致系统警告的值。
Object , specifies whether the ace allows access , denies access , causes system audits , or causes system alarms . the 对象表示的限定符指定ace是允许访问、拒绝访问、导致系统审核或是导致系统警告。
Gets a value that specifies whether the ace allows access , denies access , causes system audits , or causes system alarms 获取一个指定ace是允许访问、拒绝访问、导致系统审核或是导致系统警告的值。
It adopts the xbrothers professional security and facility control system which includes : the real - time monitoring and controlling for the electric power supply system ; the air conditioning control system ; the ups control system ; the leaking control system ; the fire alarm system ; the video surveillance system and ; the access control system . the system provides the fire monitoring and turn to emergency status when fire detects . the system alarms for the abnormal of the important field through adjusting dynamic detecting sensors , according to the demands in the video marking field 在该监控系统中,如果检测到消防报警信号,系统会自动联动门禁系统打开对于重要区域的视频划定动态检测报警区域,根据机房内不同的环境情况,通过调节动态检测灵敏度,来实现移动报警系统采用模块化结构设计,可以方便的进行系统扩充,在本项目最初实施的过程中只安装了一套指纹加刷卡的门禁系统,在使用的过程中,根据清算中心的要求,需要对机房内的另四道门加门禁系统,则监控系统在不影响原有系统正常运行的情况下,进行系统的平滑升级,最大化的保障系统的安全与用户的投资。